Wednesday 18 December 2013

New Bionic Eye Lens

The Bionic LensBionic Eye Lenses or Bionic Contact Lenses are of the latest inventions of the decade that are being used by visually impared people inorder to get some assistance in their sight. This bionic lens is actually a simple contact lens, super-imposed by the bionics technology. Bionic lens is manufactred from bio-compatible and bio-sustainable compounds via microfabrication.

These lenses have a built-in electronic circuit whose thickness is not more than few nano-meters. This electronic circuit contains a solar assembly, tele-communication panel, display control unit and a matrix of tiny LEDs (Light Emitting Diodes), all scaled-down to nano-level!

The solar assembly consists of solar cell, an energy converter and energy storage area which are combined so as to generate and store the energy required to run the circuit. The tele-communication panel consists of antennas that can capture light in the form of electromagnetic waves. The light waves when captured are sent to display control unit, which processes the image and glows the LED matrix such that the image is formed. In the LED matrix, LEDs are placed 250 to 300 nanometers away from each other. The distance between LEDs and size of matrix co-effect the sharpness and distance of the vision.

Currently, scientist are able to produce such lens that can generate sharp vision upto 10 meters which will greatly help the people having visual impairment. 

The Medical Radio

You might surely have heard the local radio broadcasts... any news.. or any of your favorite song... via tuner or your television set or may be via your mobile set or even from internet! And most of you, do surely know that these radio broadcast are actually the wide scale transmission of a bunch waves known as radio waves but... many of you don't even know these bunch of "broadcast waves" are used in "medical field" as well! 

Well... Yes! It is correct and what's more...! these waves have been in practise from more than 75 years!

These waves are used for many medical purposes like...

  • Generate live images of what is going on inside the body (See the video)
  • Rejuvenation and tightening your skin (See the video)
  • To lessen the extra bit of fat in the body
  • Burn cancerous tissues (Read page 236 of the book)
  • Treatment of bone tissues from various diseases (Read this article)
  • Treatment of sleep apnea i.e. treats the breathing problem during sleeping
  • To cease excessive bleeding
  • To cut the skin for surgery
  • Muscle relaxation